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7 See glossary and v4.0 Materials Petal Handbook for more information. 7. OTHER INTERNATIONAL LIVING FUTURE INSTITUTE CERTIFICATIONS. CORE. GREEN BUILDING.The current LBC 4.0 Petal Handbooks, along with previous versions (3.0, ILFI's Declare database hosts detailed information on all materials and products The Institute grants substantial limited uses of Petal Handbooks The International Living Future Institute is a non-profit organization o ering green. 7 See glossary and v4.0 Materials Petal Handbook for more information. TE KURA WHARE, LIVING CERTIFIED - TUHOE, TANEATUA, NZ. IMAGE COURTESY OF TE KURA WHARE 32 Refer to the v4.0 Materials Petal Handbook for complete and up-to-date listings of the numerous Red. List exceptions. For purposes of the Living Building 7 See glossary and v4.0 Materials Petal Handbook for more information. 7. OTHER INTERNATIONAL LIVING FUTURE INSTITUTE CERTIFICATIONS. CORE. GREEN BUILDING. The Institute reserves the right to modify and update the Living Building Challenge and Petal. Handbooks at its sole discretion. THE INTERNATIONAL LIVING FUTURE
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